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Fabrics & Voiles

multi coloured voiles

A new way of curtaining: using 300cm drop seamless fabrics for ultra modern, flawless curtains. No more width joining, pattern matching and sewlines. This flawless way of making allows a seamless product for both sheers, voiles and curtaining. Our current suppliers adhering to this new style and functional way of curtaining are both Kobe and Ado. These Dutch and German brands engineer this high level finish and are available to view and order in our showroom. Offering the finish of both lead weighted unlined curtains for a light and elegant finish or the more traditional lined curtain can be further achieved with a double width lining to continue with the seamless design.

We offer a range of Voiles from brands such as Harlequin, Pavilion and Ado which boast a wide range of textures, embodies and materials compositions.

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